Monday, April 23, 2007

The Virginia Tech massacre: Chiang wrongfully accused

As a journalist, I could not imagine covering an event as tragic as the Virginia Tech shooting. To meddle in these peoples lives just hours after their friends and schoolmates have experienced one of the most horrific massacres in school history is something I could probably never bring myself to do. These journalists must be brave, respectful, and most importantly, ethical.

When I heard about the shooting, the first thing I did was turn on the TV and wait to hear the facts. How many were killed? Where did the shooting take place? Why did this happen? And most important, WHO WAS THE GUNMAN? Media outlets rushed to give us the answers, but in doing so, broke the golden rule of good reporting: accuracy.

In early reports, several television networks identified a 23-year-old United States citizen of Chinese descent as the gunman. Sun-Times Columnist Michael Sneed was cited as the source by news outlets such as WWBM, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, and the Herlad Sun. NBC additionaly reported that the gunman was not a student at Virginia Tech. Unfortunately, Sneed was misinformed and, as a result, accused an innocent man, Wayne Chiang, of murdering 32 people.

Since the broadcasts, Chiang has received "numerous death threats" and "slanderous accusations." I don't know much about his life or what kind of person he was, but no one deserves to go to bed an innocent man and wake up a world-renowned murderer...especially when he's 250 miles away from where the killings took place. Sneed not only failed to check the facts, she failed as a journalist. She let down her co-workers, she let down the public, and she let down Chiang.

By April 17, Sun-Times corrected Sneed's original story and named Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean national and Virginia Tech student, as the shooter, but it did not stop the criticism. China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao accused the U.S. media for "irresponsible reports" and said it was a violation of professional ethics. Chinese students at Virginia Tech plan to protest the Sun-Times report as well.

I know our job is hard...we want to break the news and we want to be the first, but it's so important that the public gets the truth. These people rely on us and incidents like this weaken their trust. Let this be a lesson...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Convergent Journalism: Kristof proves it makes all the difference

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof spoke to SMU students about the issue with Darfur and eliminating genocide as part of the Human Trafficking symposium Tuesday. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend, but from what I've a heard, the man made quite an impact.

Kristof is a two time Pulitizer Prize winner for his reporting during the pro-democracy student movement in 1990 and his commentary on the genocide in Darfur in 2006. He has risked his life numerous times in hope of giving voice to the voiceless and awakening readers to the problems and issues ailing third world countries.

In addition to his reporting, Kristof provides multimedia packages that feature video and images of those inflicted by violent warfare. Because the images allow people to comprehend the damages visually, they are often motivated to help.

Text alone is empty. When readers skim articles on Darfur and America's need to interfere, they are sympathetic but not convinced. It's not because they're selfish, they're just skeptical about charities and where their money goes. Images can change that.

Pictures are moving. They are the evidence behind a journalist's words. I've read about Darfur a couple times, but Kristof's use of multimedia is what really pulled me in. Images have an emotional tie and when used effectively, they are often the key factor in transforming peoples thoughts. Those wary of donating to charities are compelled to find other ways to contribute to the cause.

Journalists put a lot of time and effort into their stories. If they want to get a reaction they should consider Kristof's tactics and make use of convergent journalism. It'd be a shame to let their tedious work go unnoticed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

CNBC senior analyst visits SMU

CNBC's Ron Insana paid a visit to the SMU campus Monday and pretty much scared the hell out of me. According to the financial expert, I have a lot more to learn before I can become a successful journalist.

Insana said that for journalism majors to thrive, they must know just as much about the business world as they do about current events. "Today you can't have one without the other," he said. In most cases, the market predicts the news.

So what am i, the hopeful journalist and economic dimwit, to do? "Use the market, as opposed to just watch the market," Insana said. Or, in my case, stick to entertainment news...nothing beats a pop-star legend gone bald.

But for political journalists, Insana advises they pay close attention to stock fluctations because they often precede major world events. During the Gulf War, for instance, oil prices jumped from $15 to $25 in just 6 weeks. If journalists paid attention, they would have noticed troops moving in the Middle East.

For those who actually get this financial stuff, Insana left us with a piece of good advice... "You're job is not to move the market or stocks," he said. "If you want to make an impact, you need to change a company's PERCEPTION and something will happen after your report."

Hmmm.... guess I should have paid more attention in econ!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Washington Post Recognizes Black History Month

In light of Black History Month, the Washington Post created a multimedia package titled "Being a Black Man" ( that includes videos, narrated galleries, biographies and photos of various black men in the Washington area. The package addresses questions such as "What does it mean to be a black man?" and "Why are so many black men in prison?" in attempt to draw attention to the everyday struggles black men face.

Personally, I found the package very effective because the interaction of a multimedia site gave me much more freedom than a newspaper. If I got sick of reading, I could switch to video and vice versa. I usually skim through news stories in less than 10 seconds, but the converging mediums held my interest for much longer. If the story were printed in a newspaper, I'd probably read the first few lines and move on.

I am not an avid reader of the Post, but I consider it a pretty influential news outlet so I'm sure the package has done well. "Being a Black Man" may have done better on CNN, despite its focus on Washington residents, however, because it deals with a national issue. The struggle for equal rights and fair treatment is something African Americans face all over the U.S. and I admire the Post's decision to address it. One women, featured in the video "How does society view black men?", complained that the news only covers negative aspects of African Americans, especially in cases dealing with crime, which places the race in a false light. "We only hear of the ones that are doing bad and wrong," she says. "We never hear of the ones who are pursuing a higher education or come from a two parent home."

I think using multimedia gives the piece more meaning because it features a ton of sources, but is not overwhelming. When you attach a face to a person's words, his or her message definitely carries a greater weight. I don't think I would change much about the package, but if I had to change something I would include more people of different races. It would be interesting to see how, say, white or asian Washington citizens would respond.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Coricidin is not a joke....believe me.

Speaking of mind altering substances . . .

I was a little surprised by Jane Galt's remarks in the post "Speaking of mind altering substances".... kids overdosing on cold medicines such as Robotussin and Coricidin is not something to be taken lightly.

I remember in High School when Coricidin became the new craze... I was at an outdoor concert in Sacramento when I spotted some friends popping the little red pills. Within 30 minutes, Amanda was rolling around on the lawn screaming "I'm a blubbering whale, I'm a blubbering whale." Later did I find out, the blanket over her head was the "sea" and she was drowning beneath it.

As always in High School, word spread fast. Before I knew it, half the school was tripping off the cold medicine. It was a cheaper alternative to drugs and, at 17, we didn't exactly have easy access to alcohol.

I was offered the medicine many times, but thank God I haven't been one to pop pills. A few months later, the issue made national news... kids were actually dying from this drug and most had taken significantly less than the amounts my friends were taking.

Apparently the drug contains a small dose of dextromethorpan, DMX, that has pyschedelic effects when taken in high doses. Amanda said it was the weirdest high she ever felt. She couldn't feel her arms or her legs and she was hallucinating like crazy. The recommended dosage for adults is one every six hours, but I knew people who took up to 18 at a time!

Local stores took the brand off the shelves and eventually the trend died down, but believe me... the stuff is scary.

Today there are no legal restrictions on buying Coricidin, but the Drug Enforcement Administration has classified DXM as a "drug of concern" because of its potential misuse... My advice? Stay away from it. Any drug that makes you act like a "blubbering whale" in PUBLIC can't be good.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Text Test